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following and leaping…even when it’s not your initial preference

Last night I needed a lil’ pick-me-up, and so I clicked over to re-listen to T.D. Jakes’ sermon at Elevation’s Code Orange Revival. {It’s a little over an hour long but worth every minute of your time.} He made a statement that was still lingering in my head this morning. ‘If you really want something from God, you will do anything to get it.’

It won’t matter if you get exposed in the process.
It won’t matter if you appear foolish to others.
It won’t matter how you are viewed.
It won’t matter the extent you have to go to be free.

Nothing matters when you truly want something from God bad enough.

So this morning I was reading my devotionals and another statement caught my eye. Joyce Meyer’s was talking about when Jesus told His disciples that they would have to spiritually eat of His body and drink of His blood {referring to following Him through suffering}, and she included the verse that said some people found that message simply too much for them. ‘From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.’ {John 6:66} {After I typed that scripture, I found it ironic that three 6′s were the reference for people turning away from following God. Maybe it was just me.}

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Joyce went on to say: “I believe many people are willing to follow Jesus if He is taking them where they want to go and doing for them what they want done. But when it comes time for this very needful transition in their relationship with Him {following a path that isn’t always about them}, many cannot make the turn. We must decide that we will serve God even if we never get what we want. ‘Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.’” {Love Out Loud…emphasis mine}

Although I’m somewhat of an introvert, when I realize that God has something I need, I rarely hesitate in pursuing it. I don’t really care what others think about me. {Besides, when I stand before Him one day, what will it even matter what others thought, right?} Which means that, when I see someone else {who needs something from God} hesitating or holding back, I have a hard time believing they truly desire it. Ya know?

But just before I started to pat myself on the back in this area, I read this {written as though God were talking to you directly}.

“Something that is a baby step for you may be a giant step for another person, and vice versa. Only I know the difficulty or ease of each segment of your journey. Beware of trying to impress others by acting as if your giant steps are only baby ones. Do not judge others who hesitate, in trembling fear, before an act that would be easy for you. If each of My children would seek to please Me above all else, fear of others’ judgements would vanish, as would attempts to impress others. Focus your attention on the path just ahead of you and on the One who never leaves your side.” {Jesus Calling…emphasis mine}

I needed that reminder. {Because it sure is easy to get self-righteous in those moments.}

Thing is, if I have no problem doing whatever to chase after God for my needs, that’s fine. But if I see someone else who seems to be struggling with that very concept, why not lay down my assumptions of what their actions appear to be saying and why don’t I join with them in taking those steps that are shaking them to their core?

Now I admit, if something scares someone, they may not readily accept another’s ‘help’. It may make them feel stupid, embarrassed, or weak. But how easily deterred am I when there is a need and God’s attention is required?

If they bite my head off, does that stop me?
If they slap at my attempts to help, does that offend me?
If they try to refuse my assistance, do I just walk away so easily?

I hope not.

But then again, I guess that depends on how spiritually mature I am. Because if I truly wanted to help someone else, then I would take that same tenacity I have in these other areas and use it to help them as well. Deal is, tenacity is a good trait. {As long as I don’t use it in an effort to make myself look better.} And faith is a necessary gift. {As long as I don’t wear it pridefully as a badge.}

So here’s something I’ve learned from my kids {being the super-incredible-mom-that-I-am}. Not everyone wants what they need. And I know this because…every day I pack a banana in my kids’ lunches. And every day said banana returns home. So the other day when I asked the G-man why he doesn’t eat the banana, he said, ‘Well, I don’t want to.’ {Well…okay.}

Thing is, even though they need the fruit, that doesn’t necessarily mean they want to eat it. Yet I pack it each day on the off-chance that one day, in a stroke of brilliant awareness, they will eat it, supplying their body with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth. {Yeah, I expect I’ll be waiting awhile.}

So what’s my point on this fine morning?

If you need something from God, then go get it. Quit worrying about what you think others are saying about you. {To be honest, they probably don’t spend half the time thinking about you as you imagine they do.} Because the longer you delay in pursuing whatever it is you need, the easier it will be to remain in that very same situation. Which isn’t healthy.

And if the step seems too large…then look around for someone who has already taken it and follow their lead. Recognize that they made it. Admit to yourself that they survived. And so will you.

So…make the leap and don’t be afraid to fall into that chasm stretched out underneath you. Trust that the God who led you to this moment will be the same God who will carry you over it the minute you close your eyes and leap.

And if God is leading you towards a leap that doesn’t look like what you expected, trust Him.
And if God is asking you to do something that doesn’t feel comfortable, trust Him.
And if God is opening an avenue for you that frankly isn’t what you would have chosen, trust Him.

After all, what would be the fun in remaining…there? Especially when you could end up exactly where God has designed you to be in the first place.

{Image courtesy of Flickr}

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